
RealHealthData Acquired by Amplity Health


Service Sellside M&A
RealHealthData United States
Amplity Health United States

Bowen Advisors Serves as Strategic Advisor to RealHealthData

BOSTON, January 14, 2020 – Bowen Advisors is pleased to announce that RealHealthData, a provider of unique, real-world data insights from unstructured clinical data using its proprietary technology and provider relationships, has been acquired by Amplity Health, a portfolio company of Altamont Capital Partners. Bowen Advisors’ Healthcare Technology team, led by Bob Fleming and Ryan Wukie, acted as the exclusive sellside M&A advisor to RealHealthData in this transaction.

Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Santa Cruz, CA, RealHealthData was established and led by Manuel Prado, Founder and CEO. Leveraging RealHealthData’s proprietary de-identification software, the company has established exclusive, long-term contracts with a network of 150,000 healthcare providers to compile an unparalleled database of de-identified, unstructured patient clinical data. RealHealthData’s database, which is HIPAA compliant and continues to grow monthly by 3,000,000 records, provides clients with a unique, proprietary data set, offering a “window” into the patient-provider interaction to allow for more informed, strategic business decisions.

“RealHealthData has solved the difficult problem of extracting structured information from unstructured records in a HIPAA-compliant manner, which is highly valuable to many healthcare IT and strategic consulting businesses,” said Bob Fleming, Bowen Advisors Managing Director.

Manuel Prado, CEO and Founder of RealHealthData added, “Bowen Advisors ran a highly strategic, targeted process. We are delighted to have found a partner with the right strategic fit and culture to help us grow even faster and make a real impact in the healthcare system.”

Click here for the company’s press release.